No Mary Poppins graphgan would be complete without a tape measure! This week, is our banner week and instead of using the film’s title as the banner, I went a different way–the tape measure.

Here’s a close-up of that shot…


My version…

ChaosAndChopSuey MPCAL - Practically Perfect overall

You may notice that this week, an image of the graph is being shown. That’s because with the holiday week last week, we traveled and I didn’t have any crochet time! I’m working on it and will get you a finished photo as soon as that happens. Rather than finishing the entire graphgan beforehand, I work just a week ahead of everyone because I love the CAL community and crocheting together.

Want more information on this CAL? Check out this blog post here.

Want to grab your own copy of this Mary Poppins CAL pattern? Head on over to my Ravelry shop!

Feel free to make and sell products using this, but because I put a lot of time and love into these big CAL projects, I ask that you give me credit or if it’s online somewhere, you link back to me. If you’re not a part of our CAL Facebook group, come and join us in our special Facebook group reserved only for those that are doing the Mary Poppins CAL with us (you can find information on how to join that particular group in your purchased pattern).

I can’t wait to see what you do with this! The official hashtag for this CAL is:


“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and – SNAP – the job’s a game!” –Mary Poppins

<3, Angela

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